How to recycle SOMMER carpets

1 2LIFT for debris to fall Working in teams of 2, lift the piece by holding it in the middle width wise, thus allowing for debris to sip out / fall onto the floor. If 4m carpet piece is held in the middle from both ends and lifted, it will create a two-fold piece of 2m, weighing total 8kg => adequate to be handled by 2 people of an average height and build. ►Person B (in blue) and Person A (in red) lift the piece of carpet from the floor and hold it in the middle => upper side remains outside, thus all debris seep/fall onto the floor. CUT a piece of 5-6m Cutting the gangway carpet every 5m-6m allows to work with smaller manageable pieces, that weight between 3kg and 8kg each, depending on the width of the piece. Cutting across the width of the carpet takes less than 10 seconds for 4m wide gangway ►Start wit a team of 3 people ►Person A (in red) walks in front 5-6 steps => approximately 5-6m distance ►Cuts the carpet across the width, creating a piece of approximately 6m x 4m width (or less depending on the width of the carpet). Step 1 = max 10 seconds Step 2 = max 20 seconds 5m - 6m 4 OUR SOLUTION FOR A CLEAN REMOVAL PROCESS OF CARPET